Our third molars that are also referred to as wisdom teeth are the final set of teeth to appear in the mouth typically. They usually erupt between the ages of 17-25. Some individuals have no problems with their wisdom teeth in that they have the space to accommodate them. Others may encounter complications that necessitate their extraction; and that could be due to insufficient space in the jaws to accommodate these extra teeth or their improper orientation.

Reasons for Removing Wisdom Teeth

1. When wisdom teeth are impacted (meaning that they can’t “properly” erupt), they can cause problems such as pain, infection and harm to nearby teeth. Extracting them can help avoid complications.

2. The presence of wisdom teeth can result in crowding and misalignment of existing teeth due, to the pressure they exert. Removing them can alleviate these issues. Removing them can also help maintain the alignment of the rest of your teeth.

3. Wisdom teeth are situated at the rear of the mouth making it challenging to maintain oral hygiene. Consequently, there is a likelihood of experiencing tooth decay and gum disease, which might lead to the need for their extraction.

The Process of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Step 1. Initial Consultation and Examination; The first thing you need to do is make an appointment for a consultation. During this visit the dentist will carefully examine your mouth take X rays and assess the position of your wisdom teeth.

Step 2. During the consultation, they will also go over the process and any potential risks involved, and address any concerns you might have. Another aspect to consider is anesthesia. The removal of wisdom teeth can be done using local anesthesia, conscious sedation or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of your situation and your personal comfort preferences.

Step 3. Tooth Extraction: If the wisdom tooth has completely emerged, then a straightforward extraction may be feasible. If the tooth is impacted, the dentist will create a small incision in the tissue to reach the tooth. Sometimes the dentist may need to section and divide the tooth into smaller sections for smoother removal. After removing the tooth, your dentist will clean the area. If needed, the incision will be stitch closed. There are some cases where bone graft is recommended to help with bone healing where the tooth once was as well.

Step 4. Recovery: You will be given instructions on how to take care of yourself and the extraction site after the procedure to ensure healing.The time it takes to recover can differ from person to person. Most individuals are able to go back to their regular activities within a few days and it is rare that someone would need time off from work because of wisdom tooth extraction.

When it comes to the cost of removing wisdom teeth, there are factors that can influence it such as the complexity of the case, the number of teeth being removed, the type of anesthesia used and where you’re located at geographically. In San Francisco, the average price for wisdom teeth removal typically falls between $600- $800, per tooth. However, it’s crucial to consult your dentist to get an estimate tailored to your unique circumstances.

If you’re dealing with wisdom teeth problems and live in San Francisco, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with Soothing Dental San Francisco. Our team of trained dental experts is committed to offering complete dental care, which includes the extraction of wisdom teeth. You have the option to easily schedule an appointment either through our website or by giving our office a call at 415 989 3953.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a dental treatment that can help relieve pain avoid complications and keep your mouth healthy. By having an understanding of the expenses and procedure involved you can make an informed choice regarding your oral well being. If you happen to be, in San Francisco, Soothing Dental is readily available to support you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule an appointment with our experienced team.